
05 May 2012

Ten Common Driver Mistakes

1) Failing to pay attention-Zone out
 Stay relaxed but totally focused
 Concentrate on the journey not your pending issues

2) Driving while drowsy
 Take breaks frequently or as required
 Make sure to get adequate rest before long trips

3) Becoming distracted inside the car (cell phone, radio, passengers)
 Avoid using cell phone while driving
 Plan the trip and study your trip prior to commencing

4) Failing to adjust to adverse weather conditions
 Slow down in rain
 Allow longer stopping distances
 Adjust for poor visibility

5) Driving aggressively (tail gating, running red lights and stop signs)
 Allow yourself ample time to make the trip
 Remain calm and drive with a safety cushion

6) Making assumptions about other drivers intentions
 Drive defensively
 Allow cushion for the unexpected
 Make your intensions clear. Use turn signals etc

7) Speeding
 Obey the traffic signals
 Remember the speed limit is the legal limit in ideal conditions

8) Changing lanes without checking blinds
 Signal, check mirrors then use quick glance
 make lane changes gradually

9) Driving while upset
 Avoid this

10) Ignoring essential auto maintenance (brake lights, bald tires etc)
 Do weekly maintenance checks
 Replace brake pads if required. Replace tires when worn out.SSV

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